Applied Game Basics

Profundity is the name of a unique boardgame with a board, dice and cards. It was developed over decades and is a contemporary interpretation of 5,000 year old Chinese Book of Wisdom.

Before the workshop starts, each participants submits the topic or question (called the topiquest) which they wish to explore.

During the workshop each participant moves around the board in turn, according to a set pattern and gathers pertinent clues which are used to reach the resolution of their topiquest.

We ensure that there is an atmosphere of mindfulness, support and respect. We ask you to commit to preserving the privacy of each person’s topiquest.

Serious Fun

Profundity Workshops use a technique known by various names – Serious Games, Applied Games and Gamification.

It all means making use of game principles in a strategic way so that the process is light and fun.

The applied game Profundity has infinite layers of depth, and the skilled Felicitators who facilitate the workshop sessions are trained to be observant and in tune with attendees progress during the workshop.

Types of Workshops

Explore my Topiquest

This is your intial foray into self empowerment.  The workshop is introductory and for many is the perfect springboard needed to open up their lives to new possibilities. Click for  more details…

There is also a chance that the workshop sets you on a longer course. If you have further questions you are invited to take another Explore My Topiquest Workshop or you may wish to enrol in Deep Dive my Quest which is a set of five integrated workshops.

Deep Dive my Quest

The Deep Dive is perfect to round out your new found empowerment with five related workshops that focus on the same topiquest from five unique aspects. See details

The Deep Dive is a wonderful experience that nurtures your quest wholistically and develops your understanding thoroughly.

Small Group Direction

A unique team-building workshop for groups all working on the same quest. See details

Suitable for corporate problem solving or any teamwork scenario.

At our Place

Our workshops are currently offered in Brisbane. 

In 2022  we will be offering “Be Amazed” Retreats  to incorporate the Profundity workshop as part of a four day journey into Self Discovery. 

At your Place

Our Felicitators will attend at your residence or workplace on request. 

Via Zoom

Zoom workshops are available. The workshop is staggered over two sessions on the same day with a one hour interval for lunch in between.